Sunday, June 28, 2009

Democrats begin to Defect, while a Star Continues to Emerge

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests" - Patrick Henry

Yesterday, 211 Democrats and 8 Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted in favor of one of the largest tax increases in US history. The Waxman-Markey Climate Control Bill, commonly referred to as the Cap-and-Trade bill, will undoubtedly bankrupt American companies, destroy American jobs, create an enormous government bureaucracy, strip away more of our freedoms and significantly raise energy costs on every single American.

Although, it is regrettable that such a bill could ever pass the House; I did take solace in two things. First, 42 Democrats voted against this legislation. That's right, 42 brave souls stood up against Nancy Pelosi, the wicked witch of Washington, and one of her most beloved henchmen, Henry Waxman (commonly referred to as the Rat Man by both his friends and enemies - and for good reason).
Now some of you might say, how is this encouraging? After all, the bill still passed. True, but when was the last time you saw 42 members of the Democratic party go against the wishes of Nancy Pelosi? Even more rare, when was the last time you saw a single Democrat vote against anything having to do with "saving" the world or putting an end to climate change (which, if I might inject here, has been going on since the creation of the world and will continue to go on regardless of what man does to prevent it). This vote shows that many Democrats are coming to the sad (sad for them only) realization that their party, controlled by socialist radicals and nut jobs (i.e. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, etc.), is overreaching (i.e. it's shoving too much down the throats of the American people too fast). As time goes by and the policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid continue to pit the United States government against the American people, I believe that we will begin to see more and more Democrats defect and go against the bidding of their former masters.
The second promising sign that I took away from last night's vote, is the fact that John Boehner, the House Minority Leader from Ohio, is continuing to emerge as the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Last night, Boehner held the floor for well over an hour, discussing the energy bill and deriding it for the freedom grabbing, tax increasing atrocity that it really is. There were parts of Boehner's speech that were absolutely captivating. So much so, that a noticeably irritated Henry Waxman felt compelled to interrupt Boehner and complain that he was taking too long (heaven forbid anybody read or debate the largest tax increase in American history before voting on it).

As I watched highlights of Boehner's speech, I found myself thinking, "Finally, there's an articulate opposition voice to Obama's policies other than Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin." I first noticed Boehner's massive potential when he blasted Obama's stimulus package earlier this year in one of the most passionate and entertaining speeches I have ever seen.

These are definitely not the times for weak cowards, and John Boehner doesn't appear to be one.

Doesn't it feel good . . . isn't it refreshing to finally hear someone in America (the land of the free) clearly explain why socialism doesn't work?

Source: Rightbest Blog

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