Saturday, June 27, 2009

Federal Reserve warns The People to BACK OFF

"Effectively be a takeover of monetary policy by the Congress...a repudiation of the independence of the Federal Reserve...would be highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, the dollar, and our national economic situation." -Bernanke

This is a threat of economic collapse if we, The People, try to audit the private, independent Federal Reserve who controls our monetary system. We were warned about this by our founding fathers. James Madison told us, "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible, to maintain their control over governments, by controlling money and its issuance." President Andrew Jackson openly stated, "If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations. I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic, inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a monied aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country."

Now, the Federal Reserve is under public scrutiny for the first time. The American people are growing wary of the actions of the Fed that are taken completely in secrecy involving our money. They issue our money, and we are charged interest on every dollar they issue. You like paying taxes? You like working 3 to 5 months out of the year to pay those taxes? What if you found out that those taxes were going to cover the interest these bankers are charging our government to issue our money? Well, that is exactly what is happening, and it has been for nearly 100 years.

People are starting to realize a few things. They are realizing, first of all, that the Federal Reserve is not even Federal. They are realizing the the Fed controls our complete monetary system, and now under Obama will gain control of our complete financial system including regulatory oversight into private business, and that this is as far from free market as you can get. They are also beginning to learn that the Fed operates in complete secrecy with no oversight or regulation, and can therefore handle our money and our debt in any way they choose, including investing in foreign entities, using our own money.

Now, as H.R. 1207 passes into the Senate and gains momentum, and as the Federal Reserve has been caught red handed in a cover up of coercion and intimidation involving the mergers and sales of some other private financial institutions, they are warning us to back off.

Bernanke, the Chief Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the 4th most powerful man in the world, is telling us that if we do not back off, we will face economic collapse with certainty.

What should we do? Should we heed the warning of the 4th most powerful man in the world, and arguably the most powerful man in America? Should we back down and say, "oh, well, you know it's ok. Go back to doing your business in complete secrecy. Manipulate our markets, endebt us without end, meddle in foreign affairs with our money. Hell, do whatever you want. Just don't collapse our economy!"

I mean, what kind of a response is appropriate here? Do we buckle under and let them continue to operate our economy in secrecy? HELL NO! We deserve to know exactly how our money is handled, where it is put, and why we are trillions in debt and this administration not only continues to enlist the printing presses of the Fed but moves directly to PROTECT AND EMPOWER the Fed even further.

Screw this guy. This is OUR money and OUR lives that are being handled here. America has a right to know what it's international Federal Reserve is doing with it all.

Source: The Fading American Dream

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