Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Help Ron Paul End the Fed's Secrecy

In her latest Washington Post article, "A lonely voice against the Fed now leads a chorus," Tomoeh Murakami Tse covers Ron Paul's efforts to Audit the Fed, his newest book End the Fed, the development of his libertarian philosophy and rejection of Keynesian economics, and his reasons for opposing the disastrous financial regulatory bill, even though a Fed audit is attached as an amendment. Quoting Dr. Paul:

"That's my tradition," he said. "I won't vote for a bill that's a disaster because 1 or 2 or 5 percent of it is an improvement."

It's time to make a stand for principled action. An audit being passed along with Frank's regulatory bill would have its impact minimized by the vast powers granted to the Federal Reserve.

Help Ron Paul know his voice is not the only one calling for central bank transparency: contact Congress and demand a legitimate audit of the Federal Reserve with a stand alone vote of HR 1207 on the House floor.

Source: Campaign For Liberty

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