Thursday, July 2, 2009

Liberal White Boy: He Thinks Therefore He Is...But Why Does Norman Finkelstein Walk Among The Living?

I was on my couch a few years ago reading the most recent issue of Scientific American and listening to Book-notes on C-Span when I first heard Norman Finkelstein speak (before Professor Finkelstein came on to discuss his book, The Holocaust Industry, I was pondering how the leakage of gravity and its resulting impact on cosmic acceleration might affect me personally).

If I remember correctly there was another Jewish author on before Finkelstein opining about an increase in anti-Semitism in America and the world. I thought to myself, God Damn it another juvenile delinquent has painted a swastika on a grave marker in one of those apartheid Jewish cemeteries. I wish they would stop doing that shit. Every time they do it seems to cause mass hysteria. I then returned to my magazine.

Next up was Professor Finkelstein. I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. Who is this guy? I set down my Scientific American and started to pay attention. The Holocaust Industry?

After his C-Span presentation I went to my computer, found his web site and ordered his book. I then began a journey of discovery that would turn upside down almost everything I once believed. And of course Liberal White Boy was born.

A few months ago I had the opportunity to hear Professor Finkelstein speak in person at a peace summit put on by a bunch of radical Christians like myself in Indianapolis. Yes there was some of the usual hysteria that always seems to accompany a Finkelstein presentation. There were letters to the editor in the local newspaper by outraged Zionists who simply can not tolerate the speaking of the truth. They once again suggested that Finkelstein's words were hate speak. As always though there was no sign of hate speak in Finkelstein's presentation, just the plain ugly truth. The topic of his presentation was Gaza and of course the latest murderous savagery conducted against the people of Palestine by Apartheid Israel. There was little that I hadn't heard before. I of course get my news from alternative news sources so I am well educated in regards to the Middle East.

Finkelstein's presentation was very professorial and well documented. He utilized many radical sources in his presentation like almost every human rights organization in existence, the International Courts and the American War College. But in the midst of his presentation my mind began to wonder. I have that problem a lot. Like a few months ago I made a rare appearance in a church for a friend's wedding. Instead of paying attention to the religious wedding ceremony going on I was thinking to myself, I wonder if Joseph and Mary ever got a divorce who would have had to pay child support? I'm sure many divorced fathers have had this thought. I then tried to imagine Joseph trying to explain his circumstances to the Bethlehem County Persecutors Office. No dice I would bet. Anyway you see what I mean.

During Finkelstein's presentation I began to wonder, how is it that this interesting character could be standing before me. He was the son of holocaust survivors. If it was Hitler's intent to kill all Jews how is it that this man is standing here addressing me? Were the Germans not as efficient as we have been told? Why were there so many survivors? What possible use could all of those emaciated bodies discovered alive in camps after the war have been to the Nazis? Why had they not been gassed and cremated? This is after-all the official account of what we were told was happening.

Then it occurred to me, almost everything I once believed about Israel including it's current inhabitants was a complete and utter fabrication. Is it possible possible that the holocaust did not happen in the manner that we have been lead to believe? Didn't the Nazis keep meticulous records of those passing through these camps? Why have those records not been made public. How is it that Eisenhower and Churchill wrote extensive histories of WWII and not one mention of the Holocaust. It seems like that might have been important to them. Why was there no depiction of the soccer field, swimming pool or Ho-house in Spielberg's movie? And how could there be a million or so adjustment at Auschwitz and the number left at six million. Was this number really contrived decades before?

But most disturbingly why is it that I could be imprisoned in some countries just asking these questions?

Why does Norman Finkelstein walk among the living? I don't know but I am glad he does. He seems like a good man to me.

Thanks to:Liberal White Boy: He Thinks Therefore He Is...But Why Does Norman Finkelstein Walk Among The Living?

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