Friday, July 3, 2009

Lawful gun owners don't shoot up bars

The anti-gun crowd has their propaganda machine in full gear in Arizona and Tennessee. Tennessee recently overrode their governor's veto of a bill allowing concealed carry license holders to carry their defensive firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol (provided they do not drink themselves) and Arizona is currently considering similar legislation.

"When you're in a bar, you're supposed to be out having fun, so leave the gun at home," said Eileen Conners of Larry's Cocktails, expressing her opposition to the Arizona bill.

I'm going to guess her agenda is not only that she doesn't like guns, but also that since this bill prohibits drinking alcohol while armed that it would therefore cut into profits if they only had non-alcoholic beverages to drink. Of course, a customer killed by a robber will probably affect sales as well.

In Tennessee, where the new law is being challenged in court, they've taken to outright lying to the public while levying hideous insults against gun owners.

"We apparently are going to have 225,000 vigilantes shooting in bars," said David Smith, one of the attorneys for the opposition.

Calling gun owners vigilantes is a common tactic by anti-gun pundits. Attack the reputation of gun owners and try to turn the public against them. Defending your life isn't taking the law into your own hands regardless of whether you're at home in bed or out with friends. This statement is also supposing that all 225,000 permit holders in Tennessee regularly visit bars, though the reality is that this kind of legislation most commonly affects patrons at ordinary restaurants that happen to include alcoholic beverages on the menu.

The biggest lie of all, though, is that these ccw holders are going to be shooting up bars and restaurants. What the anti-gunners won't tell you is that 39 other states have some provision in their laws for citizens to be allowed to carry firearms into places that serve alcohol, and in not one of these states is it a problem. Lawfully armed citizens aren't the ones breaking the laws, it is the criminals who do so.

Some states even allow permit holders to consume alcohol while they're carrying and yet still there are no problems. Lawful gun owners are responsible, trustworthy, and law abiding. It is the armed robbers, muggers, rapists, gang members, and killers that are the problem. The very people that armed citizens are wanting to defend themselves against.

They can go on telling their lies, but they can't change the facts. Lawfully armed citizens, whether in their homes, businesses, parks, restaurants, or bars, are not now and never have been the problem. That is the uncomfortable truth the gun grabbers don't want you to hear.

Source: The Examiner

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  1. Restaurant owners can op out of the TN law by putting up a sign saying "no guns allowed."

    They don't want to do this because they know they will actually lose business from those who will boycott their establishment if they do so. They want the law overturned instead and yes the lies they tell are pathetic.

    Knowing many carry permit holders, it is absurd to point the finger at them. I feel safer just supposing that anywhere I go there is most likely someone close by who is prepared to have my back in the event of a criminal violent episode.

    Permit holders here are even allowed open carry if they choose (not sure about this bar bill though). In the more rural towns, you occasionally see this and hey, more power to them as they lawfully express their 2nd amendment rights.

  2. Great commentary. Thanks for dropping by, we appreciate it much.
